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Surgical Treatment Techniques for Gynecomastia

Published on June 2, 2017

Gynecomastia affects a significant part of the population. While gynecomastia in younger males may dissipate on its own by adolescence, sometimes it is persistent. In men who are middle-aged and older, gynecomastia is often an embarrassing problem. While gynecomastia is not typically harmful to your health, it does cause loss of self-confidence, and this has many ramifications for your physical and mental health.

Medications are often the first step to treating gynecomastia. The medications will essentially try to restore the hormone balance in the body and thus resolve the problem. In other cases, lifestyle changes are necessary.

Sometimes, however, these are not viable or successful options. In these cases, the most effective mode of treatment is male breast reduction surgery. Two techniques are used to correct gynecomastia: excision surgery and liposuction.

Excision Surgery for Removal of Tissues

Surgery offers long-term results, something that other treatment options and lifestyle changes may fail to achieve. Surgery will remove excess glandular breast tissue, thus reducing the severity or eliminating gynecomastia altogether. Surgery is therefore beneficial for many reasons.

Surgical removal of breast tissue is usually considered the most effective treatment. It is particularly recommended for patients who are also experiencing other problems in combination with gynecomastia.

For example, many patients have loose folds of skin on their chest. Surgery will remove the excess skin along with the breast tissue. This gives the body a taut and firm appearance. Surgery is also suitable when there is more tissue to be removed, something that liposuction cannot achieve by itself.

Sometimes, removal of tissue with excision is performed in combination with other cosmetic treatments such as liposuction to help you achieve a physical form that you feel matches your expectations.


Liposuction is also one of the treatment options for people struggling with gynecomastia. Liposuction is a safe procedure and is performed under local anesthesia, although some surgeons may use general anesthesia.

Liposuction is considered a less invasive treatment for gynecomastia. It specifically removes excess fatty tissue from the male chest. Thus, it is perfect for situations where there is excess fatty tissue without a large amount of excess glandular breast tissue.

What to Expect

Liposuction and surgical excision are safe processes that will require recovery time afterwards. You won’t have to take a lot of time off of work.

You will need to wear supportive bandages as your tissues heal to minimize bruising and swelling. You will also be prescribed medications for managing discomfort.

After your procedure, you will be required to avoid intense physical activity during your healing process as your body recovers. You may be able to return to moderate – but not strenuous – levels of physical activities within a week of surgery.

While surgical treatment and liposuction will remove excess tissue, thus eliminating the possibility of gynecomastia from recurring, you will still need to maintain a healthy lifestyle. You’ll need to avoid practices that can upset the hormonal balance within the body. Weight management and other healthy practices should help you maintain an ideal body shape.

Arrange a Consultation

Dr. Morwood has over 20 years’ experience as a plastic surgeon, he is certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery, he is a member of the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, and for years he has served as either the chief or vice chief of the Division of Plastic Surgery of Monterey.

For more information about Dr. Morwood or if you would like to schedule a consultation, please contact us here.

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